Sunshine Studio
Digital Freebies
Designs in Digital
The Digi Chick

16. März 2009

...a photo a day... #21

Today I finally had a manicure! It feels so good to have nice nails again! Hope it helps against my nail-biting!

...a photo a day... #18 & #19

I'm having a hard time making a photo every day... But I'm trying!! Here are the days 18 & 19.

Day #18:
When I walked to my car on Friday morning I saw a little black thing on the top of my car roof. I had to take a closer look... My car is parked in a basement garage over night and we now that there is a marten somewhere in there... and apparently it was playing with my antenna. It bit off a piece of it! I was so angry when I saw that because I just bought the car only a month ago! Hopefully it will not get back on my car again!

Day #19:
I went to the ISH exhebition in Frankfurt with my colleague because our firm exposed there. This is one of the chimneys me and her drew for the exhebition. That was a fun day :o)

And because I didn't do a photo on Sunday I'll show you another one from our trip home from Frankfurt on Saturday. We saw a lot of wind engines - these are only three of them!

11. März 2009 photo for today... but a new CT!

Today I don't have photo today... The camera battery was empty when I wanted to make a photo and now it has to be loaded... :o(

But I'm on a new CT! *woohoooo*

Melissa Daniel decided to let me be a part of her CT and I'm soooo happy about that!

And this is my first LO I did with the Collab kit "Going Buggy" by Melissa Daniel & Chaos Lounge

10. März 2009

...a photo a day... #12 - #15

So now I got to catch up! I haven't been at home this weekend... that's why I post my pics today!

On saturday we went shopping and La Vada found the big gloves of my boyfriend on the back seat. She thought it was funny to put them on her little hands and hide behinde them! *LOL*

We took a walk and La Vada wanted to do a race with my boyfriend... to see who is faster :o)

Yesterday the weather was really funny. When I was on my way to work it was raining. Later on it started snowing and only a few minutes later the sun was shining! Crazy!

La Vada was beeing silly after dinner today. Very funny! *LOL*

6. März 2009

...a photo a day... #11

Okay... today it's not only one photo...
This afternoon La Vada (she's feeling better today!) was playing in her room and I wanted to take some pics of her playing. But she decided to sit on the beed an goof around *LOL*
These are only a few of them :o)

...LO's for my new CT...

I'm finally back on a CT and already did some LO's

This one is for the Sea Breeze (Template Challenge) @

all from the March Collab Kit @

all from Awaiting Spring by SaS Designs @

5. März 2009

...a photo a day... #10

Oh my... La Vada is sick - again! In the last week of January she already had her bronchitis and now she has to take medicine again! Hopefully it won't get worse or she has to take that antibiotic!

But the best medicine - she says - is to lay in my bed and watch TV *LOL*

4. März 2009

...a photo a day... #9

Well... after a few of you wrote in your comments that you couldn't read, what I write, I decidet to post in English instead of German so everyone can be able to understand, what I'm writing!

So now I have to hurry up, before the day is over...
I thought about what my photo of the day could be and all the time I was looking on my mobile phone. Every once in a while a upload a new LO I've done on my phone so I can look at my loved ones (since I'm at work all the day... I also do it with my desktop background at work :o) )

And this is the one which is on my phone today

3. März 2009

...a photo a day... #8

Ich geh ja so gut wie nie ohne meinen Schmuck zu tragen aus dem Haus. Aber von Ohrringen kann ich nicht genug bekommen :o) Hab schon so einige Paare in meinem Kästchen liegen. Schade, dass ich sie nicht alle auf einmal tragen kann *LOL*

2. März 2009

...a photo a day... #7

Nun ist schon eine ganze Woche vergangen, an denen ich jeden Tag ein Bild gemacht habe. Heute wusste ich nicht so recht, was ich fotografieren könnte... Bin so durch die Wohnung gelaufen und hab dann die Bilder von La Vada, die an der Wand hägen, fotografiert. Jeden Tag lauf ich an diesen Bildern vorbei, aber heute is mir so richtig bewusst geworden, wie schnell doch die Zeit vergeht. Diese Bilder wurden gemacht, als sie grad mal ein halbes Jahr alt war - und nun wird sie schon bald 5!

1. März 2009

... a photo a day... #5 + #6

Mein Beitrag von Samstag kommt etwas verspätet...

Am Samstag war Badetag und La Vada wollte unbedingt so einen Turban haben. Gesagt - getan. :o)

Und heute waren wir spazieren... zu erst war La Vada mit dem Laufrad unterwegs... bis ihr plötzlich einfiel, dass sie ja auch mal endlich mit ihrem Fahrrad fahren könnten (sie hat bisher immer Angst gehabt). Und was soll ich sagen? Bis auf das Anfahren klappt es schon ganz gut! Werden wohl die Stützräder noch ein Weilchen dran lassen, bis sie nicht so unsicher ist! Ich bin schon stolz auf sie!