Sunshine Studio
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The Digi Chick

16. März 2009

...a photo a day... #18 & #19

I'm having a hard time making a photo every day... But I'm trying!! Here are the days 18 & 19.

Day #18:
When I walked to my car on Friday morning I saw a little black thing on the top of my car roof. I had to take a closer look... My car is parked in a basement garage over night and we now that there is a marten somewhere in there... and apparently it was playing with my antenna. It bit off a piece of it! I was so angry when I saw that because I just bought the car only a month ago! Hopefully it will not get back on my car again!

Day #19:
I went to the ISH exhebition in Frankfurt with my colleague because our firm exposed there. This is one of the chimneys me and her drew for the exhebition. That was a fun day :o)

And because I didn't do a photo on Sunday I'll show you another one from our trip home from Frankfurt on Saturday. We saw a lot of wind engines - these are only three of them!

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